Мой первый скульптурный торт

Interactive Toy Of Walking Puppy

Interactive toys become loved for every child. They are happy to be acquired by parents, understanding all the advantages of this category of goods, the first of which is functionality.

  • Interest in the game,
  • Provide development assistance (fonematic hearing, small motor, logical thinking, etc.), education and education,
  • To meet the surrounding world (throughs, transport, animals)
  • Give the necessary emotional load.

Our Internet store provides parents and children with an interesting page where this category of goods is sufficiently well represented. To meet the animal world, there are rooms. interactive toysacquisition, of course you'll be happy and surprise the kids. The dog on the leash, the little pony, the puppy, the horse and many other members of the beautiful animal world will be good friends for them.

Our range is very different for girls: talking dolls, different soft toys, bright phones and many other toys your daughter will feel like a princess next to.